Nonetheless, as mentioned earlier stability and reliability of your internet connection is very important. This will help extend product life of your DreamBox device. So DreamBox owners may have to ensure proper ventilation while the device is operating, the most convenient solution would be using a fan to help circulate the air around the device. However, the legal clones of DreamBox are mostly made in China which has an overheat problem.

Besides, DreamBox allows you to listen to your favorite music nonstop from today’s hot hits to the oldies. In addition to the rapid growth of telecommunication infrastructure in many countries especially in Thailand, Internet connection has been significantly improved in stability and reliability.
Since the legal clone of a DreamBox has become very cheap as well as proper software development, DreamBox became popular among cable or satellite TV viewers. Why is it popular? DreamBox was well-known and widely used in Europe and was introduced into Thailand 2 years ago. It allows TV program to be record into hard disk.It supports many types of the smart card.It can function as a video streaming device that you can watch your favorite TV show or listen to music through the internet.It can share a smart card license among other users.It has a smart card slot that can use to watch cable or satellite TV.DreamBox is a set-top box acts as a receiver for satellite or cable television produced by the Dream Multimedia Company in Germany.